Welcome to aegis hosting

A server of your own. For demanding websites, e-commerce and hosted applications.

We use the latest multi-core rack mounted hardware in state of the art data centres.

Dedicated Servers

Dedicated Servers

server A server of your own. For demanding websites, e-commerce and hosted applications.

We use the latest multi-core rack mounted hardware in state of the art data centres that are powered by renewable hydro-electric energy.

Our servers come with ample bandwidth on guaranteed 1Gbit/s connections as standard and if you blow past your limit, we won't switch you off or even charge you extra. We drop you down to 10Mbit/s with the option to purchase extra 1Gbit/s bandwidth.

Manage the server using easy to use control panel software like the industry leading cPanel or the free open source Webmin or let us manage the server for you.

i7 Servers (Intel Haswell)

We currently offer three standard configurations of server using Intel's quad-core Core i7 Haswell CPUs. These are configured with standard drives for space, SSD drives for performance or a hybrid of both.


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i7 Servers (Intel Skylake)

We currently offer two standard configurations of server using Intel's quad-core Core i7 Skylake CPUs. These are configured with standard drives for space or SSD drives for performance. Both come with 64GB of RAM. They can be configured with additional hard drives or SSD.


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i7 Servers (Intel Coffeelake)

We currently offer two standard configurations of server using Intel's hex-core Core i7 Coffeelake CPUs. These are configured with standard drives for space or NVMe PCIe SSD drives for ultimate performance. Both come with 64GB of RAM. They can be configured with additional hard drives or SSD.


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i7 servers come with 30TB bandwidth as standard before being rate limited to 10Mbit/s. The internal network card is 1 gigabit. We also provide 100GB of backup space on our network on application.